
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.


So I'm behind in reading the ongoings of this site. I just read Francia's elaborate post about the current situation and rules and whatnot.

Anyway, I'm sending the journal I have (Kirsten's) out on Monday. Reading Francia's post, it says that Kirs' journal goes to Angie. Does that mean I send Kirs' to Angie or that the journal that Kirs has goes to Angie. Sorry I got confused. And I'm probably confusing you all even more. I just need someone to confirm that yes, I will be mailing out Kirs' journal to Angie or no, it doesn't. And if not, to who?

Okay, til next time.


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