
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.


word on the streets is that angie is still down to press on with our new goal to complete the circle in 2008.  

and i didn't finish my journal this weekend as i had predicted.  nor did the patriots win the superbowl.  and because that was so, kirsten is getting an envelope of goodies in the mail.

kirs, it's more likely that you'll first be getting the journal (i finished it yesterday, but i still need to get it in an envelope and send it off) and the goodies later because my scraproom is a hot mess right now.  

how goes everyone else's circle journal journey?  is everyone pretty much set to have a journal for february?  please leave a post here if you've sent/received a journal.  if we're going to try to achieve our goal for '08, we've got to have accountability, folks!

alright, have a happy fat tuesday (what's left of it anyway) to you soon!

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