
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

i'm ready send out next month's journal.

i finished kathee's journal so i'll be sending it to wing either tomorrow or wednesday.
i'll let you know when it is actually sent out.


should i...

be expecting a package in the mail anytime soon? sure, right?

anyway, hiii everyone!!

she got it!

meechy got mine!!!
do i win!? LAWL.

and it's outta here...

YAY! Dee's journal is now on it's way to Franny. At first I was going to send it to Reg, but then I realized that it has to go to Fran. Anyway, I am at work still, but I brought the journal to work so I can pass it on to my sister( since she gets off work when I come in) and she brought it to the post office for me. YAY for sisters! Ok- it's off and on it's way to a wonderful journey through babysitters and pantalones!
Ready or not , Fran-- here it comes!


i'm a little late, but i went to the post office.
meechy! kathee's journal is on the way!

Got it!

Thanks, Dee.

I hope everything is correct because Kirsten's journal is now sealed and addressed to Angie. It will be sent out tomorrow morning.


get those journals in the mail, ladies!

alright, so if i am understanding this correctly, everyone that is in possession of a journal needs to send it out immediately, finished or not. for the month of march, you may not be sending your journal to the normal person you usually would send it to. i've copied and pasted the following from an earlier post:

so by the end of february, regardless of whether or not you've finished with the journal or the people after you have had a chance to make their entry for that journal, please mail ________'s journal to ____________.

ANGIE's journal needs to be mailed to KATHEE.
CHELLEBEE's journal needs to be mailed to EMELY.
MARITES' journal needs to be mailed to CRISSY.
DEE's journal needs to be mailed to FRANNY.
KATHEE's journal needs to be mailed to KEERZ.
EMELY's journal needs to be mailed to REGI.
CRISSY's journal needs to be mailed to MEECHY.
FRANNY's journal needs to be mailed to WING.
KEERZ' journal needs to be mailed to ANGIE.
REGI's journal needs to be mailed to CHELLEBEE.
MEECHY's journal needs to be mailed to MARITES.
WING's journal needs to be mailed to DEE.

so whatever journal is in your possession has to be sent to the person indicated. to answer your questions, (if i'm reading this right) meechy you should send kirs' journal to angie. emely, you should send my journal to francia. kirs, since you're done with kathee's, just send that one meechy and work on crissy's.

in the event that the journal you are sending out is not done, just save yourself a spot in that journal (maybe use a post-it note to indicate what pages you are sending) and we'll figure it out later.

if anything i wrote is wrong, please correct me (francia), asap!

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you send it to...

ME! hahah... jk! I just wanted to say that. =P

sorry, i know i'm no help at all. =/


So I'm behind in reading the ongoings of this site. I just read Francia's elaborate post about the current situation and rules and whatnot.

Anyway, I'm sending the journal I have (Kirsten's) out on Monday. Reading Francia's post, it says that Kirs' journal goes to Angie. Does that mean I send Kirs' to Angie or that the journal that Kirs has goes to Angie. Sorry I got confused. And I'm probably confusing you all even more. I just need someone to confirm that yes, I will be mailing out Kirs' journal to Angie or no, it doesn't. And if not, to who?

Okay, til next time.


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