
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

this site's not dead, it is alive!

i can feel it all over me.


but really. i don't know why everyone thinks that bscottj is a distant memory. come on people! we just have to make a plan for 2008. AND we have to stick to it.

but before that happens, we have to plan our christmas tea party, girlies. i already have a pastry chef lined up (i think he's good for it, but we need to give him a heads up as to when).

so, tea and crumpets? that is said with your best english accent (circa 2000)!

give me a few weekends (or even weekdays if that's more convenient) for the end of december/early january so we can plan this sucker out. please respond in the comments section of this post!

k. off to gallivant for a bit. take care & talk to you soon!


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