
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

this one is for all your scrapbookers

which is all of you guys... haha.

so, long story short. i left the cards i bought for my mom & grandma at hallmark! so i had to use my scrapbooking skills to make this for my mom:

the front:

the back:

i hope i did the scrapbooking name justice.


ahhhh i'm so terrible. i have 2 journals that i have yet to finish and mail out. sorry wing! i'm super stressed out right now. but i will get them done. i will!!

I'm trying....

I need creative juice flowing inspiration! ok-ok---- I admit that I have in my possession... an unfinished journal. I am 2/3 done, though! I think I need to clean up my work area so that I won't get flustered with all my clutter. Oh well.... it takes a big person to admit they have a problem.. and by gollie... I'm a big girl now! (I take the metro!) Sooooo---here goes...
1.) clean work station
2.) finish Dee's journal
3.) make a disneyland date with Cristina for a long awaited swap

-sorry cristina

ps--- I forgot how to get into my own blog! --woe is me--

i got it!

fran! i got kathee's journal today! yay! can't wait to start.

hello babyssssitters.

the order of months for franny's journal.

i realize that we're not exactly up to date on the whole cj thing. i admit that i am a few months behind...and still have two unfinished journals in my possession (kirs, you can expect to receive a journal though this week).

but since the theme of my journal requires us to document 2007 in detail, with each cj buddy getting her own month...i thought i'd just let you all know which month you should expect to that you can keep track of stuff for that month in case you don't get the journal right away. hope this helps.


yay! i think i'm on a roll...and hopefully i don't jinx myself. lots of creative juice flowing. i hope to knock off those two journals i still have by the end of next week.

an addendum to courtesy rules.

okay. it hasn't really been mentioned before (officially, anyway). but i just wanted to throw it out there, and hopefully this will be one rule that we all STICK to:

no PEEKING at your own journal!

so if you see your journal laying around can't look to see what other people have done inside. kapeesh?

note to all bscottj'ers: don't leave the journals laying around for other people to curiously open!

i know we're all pretty nosy/curious about each other's projects...but we've got to keep at least some element of surprise, right?

okay. that is all.


please don't let it die...

i know there will be times when we get busy etc...but please don't give up on the babysitters!!! PLEASE!!! it's my only sanctuary!!! pleeeeeease!

i am in need. to create. to live out my passion.

ok, i'm not that desperado...i just don't want us to give up.

press on, babysitters!

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