
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

hello ladies.

i've been reading em's posts on here but haven't had time to post anything.

today is the last day of january and it's the deadline for those who have 2 journals to send one out.

i'm guilty because i didn't send it out. HOWEVER...

i already updated wing on the status of the journal i'm sending her. it's done. but it's not in my possession so i can't send it until the beginning of next week. i was working on it at my cousin's house and i left it there and haven't had time to pick it up. soooo, i'll blog again when it actually leaves me and is on its way to palmdale.

have a wonderful day.


Hello? Anybody there???

- just wondering...

p.s- the end of the month approaches. don't forget to send out a journal (for those of you who have two journals)

-that's all

countdown for the journal send off

Don't forget to send out your journals by the end of this month (for those of you who have two journals in your possession).
Don't forget to send out your journals by the end of FEBRUARY '08--- everyone needs to send out all the journals by the end of feb, so we can start anew on March....

keep on keeping on!!!


Yes- yes, BSCOTTJ does rule, however this blog was directed towards the new rules for bscottj. So according to the recent bscottj get together, we are supposed to start fresh beginning March '08. So for example, for those of you who have in your possession 2 journals, one must be sent out by the end of January, and the second must be sent out by the end of February. As for everyone else who has only one journal in your possession, send out the journal by the end of February, so that each bscottj'er may receive a journal by MARCH. (more clarification for the rules will be posted by the prize-givers shortly) <----more info on that to come.

But as for now, just focus on sending out the journals by the end of FEBRUARY. ka-peeech?!

BSCOTTJ must live on!!!!!!!

Bscottj party minus the biscotti

Here's the brunch documented via photos...
(I'll post up a link to view the other pictures... coming soon)

Change of plans...

? So Corner Bakery at 10:30 am in Brea?


Ok, Girls, it's a new year with new resolutions. (First of all.... Where is everybody?) You know everyone has been too busy for bscottj when you see that of all 12 of us girls, there has been only one blogger..... and you know it's been super super busy for everyone when you see that the one blogger is ME! But don't worry, it's a new year and BSCOTTJ will rise again! Hopefully our get together scheduled for 1/4/08 will get our "juices" flowing once again. See you all soon!


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