
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

such a lagger.

i'm sorry, kirs (and dee). i'm working on the journal and crossing my fingers that i can send it off to you by tomorrow (tuesday latest). it's coming with your little scrapbooking goodies pack. i actually have two journals in my possession, so i'll try to get both of them out of here within the week.

I WISH I WAS ON VACATION! i shouldn't be complaining, because i'm off to vegas on thursday with my SIL. we're not vacationing though, we're going for a convention--but i get two days off of work! yehey! it's really just one, because we take cesar chavez day off regularly.

anyhow...i shouldn't ramble if i expect to get this stuff finished over here. ttyl!


....that is all.

miss you guys!

i'm in need!

i'm on break guys! so i want to be productive! where you at, francia?

jk! but i'm excited to work on it!

Ohhhhh----how I miss thee...

Hello bscottj buddies! It's been a while since my last blog. I've been keeping up and reading the updated blogs, but I haven't been participating because I don't have much to blog about at this moment. I still have Dee's journal, and I am almost done... so it will be on it's journal journey in the near future... hehehe (I'm a dork). Miss you all!

the results are in.

no need to draw names...the winners are kirsten & dianne! *round of applause*

so look forward to receiving a little package from san diego (though it might say national city, because that's where i handle my postal business) sometime this week! i'm going to mail it out when i finish with crissy's circle journal so i can include that in kirs' package to save on trips to the post office as well as postage! i hope you don't mind.

how are you all doing with the circle journals? we're nearing mid-march, and i hear that someone still hasn't received the first one?! come on girlies! let's keep on keeping on! i know that's something i've got to stick to as well. i have so many little things going on around me that it's hard to keep focused. i am trying though.


new RAK.

RAK is the scrapbooker abbreviation for random act of kindness just in case you didn't know. i don't know if i've ever posted that here before (i have a bad memory because dee's friendship & bad memory has rubbed off on me).

anyhow, i'm trying really hard to be a good catholic, but i guess it's not hard enough. this lenten season, i find myself really needing to make a conscious effort to pray, pray more, and live in the ways of CHRIST. i'm so used to this whole instant gratification thing, and receiving receiving i'm trying to turn that around and be more and more giving. to be more generous with my time, with my things, with my attitude.

and i don't know if you read my blog, but i had said that i'm not going to purchase anything scrapbook related for 2007. man. temptation gets the best of me. i went to the target by my work, and they practically had the entire section on clearance. i went in with a shopping list: febreze for pets, bounce dryer sheets, and my march book club read-the pursuit of happyness. i came out with 2 of those items, plus an armful of scrapbooking things!

soooo, because i broke my self promise (& also because tomorrow is my momma's bday and i'm grateful for her health & love), i am going to turn around and share a bit of the things that i found as well as other good stuff i already had in my stash. so if you're interested in receiving a little package of scrapbooking goodies, comment on this post (sorry regi & chellebee, you're disqualified from this one since you got the last RAK). deadline is midnight on friday, march 9th. if more than 2 people respond, my trusty pamangkin will draw 2 names...and i'll post the results on this blog. :)



i just sent the journal today! it should be the in a few! i hope so!


i am all journaled out.

reg & franny! don't worry. i will press on. ask kathee, i worked on it for like 3 hours!! i'm pooped. i gave in and bought stuff at target. haha. i'm over.

i'm finally getting in the groove.

i am no where in the big leagues like you guys, but i'm having fun!

i am 75% done. hopefully i can send it by monday!

done & done-errr

again, i'm not talking about cjs, but hopefully i'll be done with crissy's by this weekend. so kirs, get ready for it, because we're kinda on a tight schedule of trying to play catch up for everyone else. crissy, when can i expect the next one to arrive?

regi, i mailed off your premiere issue of grey's anatomy today. sorry it took a little longer, i kept forgetting to bring it with me to work so i could weigh it. and because chellebs works with me, she's got that hot little issue in her hands right now!

i liked episode 3 of the three-part grey's! i liked all of them, although i do have to say that i LOVED episode 2 the most. but i'm just a big sappy sap sap...and these three episodes really brought along the waterworks.

hey! did i make the mistake of turning this cj friends & shit blog into a grey's anatomy fan club blog? lol. and now back to circle journals...

kirs, if you have a costco membership, i think you can upload pics onto the website and pick them up at your local costco. oops, i just checked it out, and you have to order them in 4s. but they cost .39 cents...quite a bargain, and you can have pictures to use for all your subsequent circle journal entries! just a thought.

ok. i really need to do some work. tooteetah!


reg! i'm almost done w/ franny's journal! sorry i'm taking so long! i saw that meechy just received mine from you! so the pressure's on!

anyways, i need help! i'm looking for a place that prints pictures smaller than 4x6! i've checked walmart, target, and shutterfly. they only do 4x6 or print wallets. but wallets are 4 coppies of one picture. so yea, does anyone know!

let me know!

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