
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.


wing, you should have received the journal by now. if you haven't, let me know.

take care everyone. hope you're all doing well.

<3 meechy

oh sCrap.

i have a confession. i have two journals sitting pretty on the desk in my scrapbooking room. i had every good intention to drop it off at the post office prior to leaving for the philippines. (i never got around to sending out march's journal) yikes. and i won't be back until the 23rd. sorry peeps. what kind of a cj role model am i. definitely not a good one.

on a different note, i hope you are all doing well. i miss your faces. and can we plan some sort of weekend in early may? the last time i think i've been up there is in january, and that's like a long long time! k. my time's running out...i'm at an internet talk to you later. take care! peass.


Hola everyone!
I sent out the journal from the beginning of March, but I just want to let everyone know that I don't have a journal to send out for April... just FYI. Hope all are well. Miss y'all


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