
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

it's too late to apologize.

is it?

i know i said i'd post a recap of the rules here by monday night and it is now friday morning.  yikes.  quite the lagger am i.  i'm sorry for being negligent!  here goes--finally:

first, here's a quick recap of circle journal passing order:

ANGIE mails to CHELLEBEE mails to MARITES mails to DEE mails to KATHEE mails to EM mails to CRISSY mails to FRANNY mails to KEERZ mails to REGI mails to MEECHY mails to WING mails to ANGIE.

i know there's much confusion about girls having one, two, or zero journals in their possession.  in an effort to clear all of this up, we need to figure out who has whose journals.  this is what i think i know--correct me if i'm wrong:

ANGIE has 1 journal.  (her own--angie's journal)
CHELLEBEE has 2 journals. (wing's & meechy's)
MARITES has 0 journals.
DEE has 0 journals.
KATHEE has 2 journals. (chellebee's & marites')
EMELY has 0 journals.
CRISSY has 1 journal. (dee's)
FRANNY has 1 journal. (em's)
KEERZ has 2 journals. (crissy's & kathee's)
REGI has 0 journals.
MEECHY has 1 journal. (keerz')
WING has 2 journals. (regi's & franny's)

anyhow, we should technically be in month 5 of the exchange by the first of march.  therefore, i propose that regardless of whose journal you have or don't have this month (february)--the people who have so&so's journal should mail it out to the next recipient on the this case, it may not be your regular recipient.  this may create a gap in that journal's cycle, but most of the journals have placeholders or allot a specific number of pages per person, so just skip the necessary number of paginas to your spot in the journal.  get it?  got it?  good!

so by the end of february, regardless of whether or not you've finished with the journal or the people after you have had a chance to make their entry for that journal, please mail ________'s journal to ____________.

ANGIE's journal needs to be mailed to KATHEE.
CHELLEBEE's journal needs to be mailed to EMELY.
MARITES' journal needs to be mailed to CRISSY.
DEE's journal needs to be mailed to FRANNY.
KATHEE's journal needs to be mailed to KEERZ.
EMELY's journal needs to be mailed to REGI.
CRISSY's journal needs to be mailed to MEECHY.
FRANNY's journal needs to be mailed to WING.
KEERZ' journal needs to be mailed to ANGIE.
REGI's journal needs to be mailed to CHELLEBEE.
MEECHY's journal needs to be mailed to MARITES.
WING's journal needs to be mailed to DEE. 

this will put us back on track and hopefully limit the confusion for the following months.  because of this, we will start the "i sent it first!" contests for the end of march so that everyone will have a chance since everyone should have a journal in march.

in december, when the journals return to their owners, we can plan a crop weekend for after the holidays (like early january) where we can allow those who haven't finished their journal entries to finish.  we can have it at someone's house/aparto in orange/l.a. county or if you all don't mind coming to san diego i can host it at my house (and i'll share my scrapbooking supplies with you all).  


okay.  so now that we sort of cleared everything me if you are still confused!--here's the lowdown on our reward system.

1. journals need to be mailed out by the end of the month.  so the journals you receive in early march need to be mailed out by march 31st.  

2. the person who is the first to send out their journal for the month will receive an envelope of good stuff from the "prizegiver" for that month.

3. how do we know if you were the first to send out your journal?  write a post on the blog with the time & date you sent your stuff out.  it would show up on your receipt at the post office.

4. i know we sometimes don't have immediate internet access after running errands, so you don't need to be the first to post that you sent your stuff out first.  but you have until midnight on the last day of the month to post the date & time that you sent your journal out.

5. the prizegiver will then announce a contest winner on the blog.  winner is the person who sent out their journal first.  in case of a tie, the names of those involved in tie will be placed in a hat and a winner will be drawn.

6.  GOD knows when and if you are lying!  so be honest.  we're playing on the honor's all in good fun anyhow.

i'm sorry if i'm making all of this more difficult than it needs to be.  i'm open to suggestions on making it simpler if this doesn't fly with you all.  

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1 Responses to “it's too late to apologize.”

  1. # Blogger kirsten

    i'm done with kathee's journal.
    can i send THAT one to reg?  

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