
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

ok ladies...

be honest. did anyone understand francia's post? because i sure didn't. i think i'm just going to wait for my journal and the new copy of the "rules & regulations." it's not that you didn't explain it correctly, francia, it's just that my brain can't handle that much information, haha!

what i do know is that i am one of the designated "prizegivers" and you all better get those journals in the mail asap. i have tons of stuff to give away -- unopened and ready to be USED.

so....who's gonna be the first one? heck, let's even throw in a 2nd place winner just for the kick-off month. is that ok, francia? i'll wait for your approval...

**EDIT** oh wait, i get it now. i just had to read the post over again. chalk one up for the teacher... :)

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