i'm with cristina...
i'm sooooo itching to start circle-journaling again! especially since summer is coming up for me and i won't have much to do but relax, i really would like to get creative. where are we at with the journals, ladies?
by the way, i shared what we are doing with some of my girlfriends here who hold not one scrapbooking bone in their bodies and they thought the idea was way cute. i wanted to have a sample to show them but i didn't have a journal! haha...
i'm sooooo itching to start circle-journaling again! especially since summer is coming up for me and i won't have much to do but relax, i really would like to get creative. where are we at with the journals, ladies?
by the way, i shared what we are doing with some of my girlfriends here who hold not one scrapbooking bone in their bodies and they thought the idea was way cute. i wanted to have a sample to show them but i didn't have a journal! haha...
so i actually have some new scrapbooking stuff that i wanted to test out (i got it from target, like franny had mentioned)... so i'm itching to get things started, which is actually kinda rare for me... so i was just wondering... are the journals still moving from person to person? haha.
i'm a suck.
grrrr. i need to learn more efficient time management skills. because things have been getting a bit crazy in my life. so i apologize for the millionth time, kirs, that i haven't gotten those other two journals out to you yet. maybe i'll just say i won't do them, and i'll actually have them done sooner. because when i say that i'll do them this week, i end up not.
i actually won't have time this week though, because i have invitation production for my brother's wedding. has it been so long that i've forgotten the pains of having to find the perfect papers and the challenges that come when the paper you want is out of stock? or the drama that has followed me through this whole process? seriously made me want to say "eff it, you can do your own thing." but every bride is entitled to her bridezilla moments (hopefully less then two). and so i give my sil that benefit. and all is good again.
anyway, i heard that target has got some scrapbooking stuff in the dollar section right now. so if you're looking for some supplies that are easy on the wallet too, check it out!
my addiction right now are scrapbooking kits. i love cocoa daisy and ck just started a kit of the month thing too. it sorta helped the addiction that the first two kits i've purchased happened to be full of good stuff that my scrapbooking/life artist hero, ali edwards, picked out or designed. love her work. k. thought i'd share.
have a great weekend, girls!
Labels: kit of the month, scrapbooking supplies