
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.


Hi all! Hope everyone is enjoying their three day weekend. Anyway, I actually wanted to blog a suggestion in regards to the circle... and it's only a suggestion... I understand that the send out dates are scheduled for the end of each month, but why don't we just make it the absolute deadline for send outs regardless if the journal is finished or not. Did that make sense? So, theoretically, we should have the journal done and ready by the end of the month... however, things come up and sometimes journals are not done on time, which causes a block in the natural flow of the circling...(gosh-I'm having a hard time having coherent thoughts right now....) ... and unfortunately some people are ready to start working on their journal, but no journal is sent out to them. (wow--- today's blogging is not making much sense) anyhoo.... Am I making sense at all? I think sending the journals out at the end of each month, regardless of if it is finished or not will help keep the stress level down... that's all.

-- any thoughts? yay!? or nay!?

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