
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

SORRY...I'm Behind!!!

Thanks for the update worries. I TOTALLY understand. I'm super freakin busy myself. Plus Fran gave me the heads up to keep track the happenings of my life for the month. The only thing that I was a tad confused about was when she wanted us to document a whole day? Does that mean every hour?!?

MEECHY, don't be mad...but I haven't finished Kirs' journal either. Hopefully, I get some pardon this month for being late since I was the 1st journal out last month? But the theme is pretty easy..."Soundrack of My Life". So maybe you can start brainstorming. Anyway..I'll try to get it out soon.

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