
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.


Cristina???...... don't get mad okay???? here it is:

Today was my first day off for the week, considering the whole week last week I spent with my face in the toilet..... so I made a list of "to do's" and mailing off the journal was on the top of the list. (by the way... true story... honest) So I went down to Chino Hills to spend some time with my parents. So I decided to take my mom along with me to run some errands... like going to the post office. As my mom and I were talking in the car, just catching up, we encountered mucho traffic on the main street in front of the post office. "oh well"... gotta deliver the package, right? So my mom and I maneuvered our way through the traffic and construction zones just barely making it into the parking lot. "phewwwwww".... finally out of danger.... or was I? Well... it wasn't exactly danger that I encountered... it was more like stupidity. I had my journal all ready and bubble wrapped in a nice little package..... but no address. So I called everyone I could think of that may possibly know your address.... but no one picked up... which is understandable because it was the middle of the afternoon. But bottom line is... I still have the package. "woe is me..... woe is you.... so sorry" But Friday is THE DAY. I promise!

1 Responses to “UMMMMMM.....”

  1. # Blogger franny

    apparently you didn't call me. LOL.
    true story.  

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