So just sent mine this afternoon 01.08.07. And it's making its first official "travel" to the OC. Im super super super excited. So I have a confession to make. I was gonna be a rule breaker, and hand deliver it to Meechy (sorry fran). But I thought about it more...and I didn't want to cheat her out of receiving the CJ's for the first time. And since everyone seems to be a tad behind with the whole deadline, I figure what's a few days. Right? So it's off.
Theme Change
So I've changed my theme ladies. It is now-
"In Your Own Words: Imparting Wisdom."
Basically, you can use any layout (via quotes, phrases, pictures, passages) to impart any kind of wisdom that you've picked up over the years. The only request I have is that you have one part of your section, where you actually journal your own orginal thoughts and words about some type of WISDOM. It will make more sense when you read instructions page. But if it's confusing just give me a call!
Happy Journaling BSCOTTJers!!!
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