
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.


I was in the OC this weekend and talked Ang into giving me 2 of the journals that she had. She was gracious enough to hand them over since she knows she won't be able to get to them with PCN looming in the next few weeks.

So yay!! You have 2 journals to work on. I believe they are Meechy and Wings. SO happy journaling Shelbs. I gave them to Francia to give to you since I didn't see you this weekend. Hope you got them?

Meechy: did you receive my package btw with Fran's journal?

2 Responses to “Shelby...”

  1. # Blogger Chellebers

    Thanks so much, Reg foo! I'm looking at them at this moment. Yay! Journaling time!  

  2. # Blogger kirsten

    i'm so jell!!!

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