
it's a twist on getting to know your friends. 12 girls. 12 journals. 12 months. true stories. endless possibilities. life art.

trapped in a box.

wing, i sent the package to you today. my plans for yesterday fell through because (1) i ran out of time during the lunch hour, and then (2) i went home after work and knocked out instead of running an errand to the post office.

it's a big priority mail box. well, not so big. and it's ghetto taped up on one side (i think...i don't actually know, because i didn't watch the lady tape it up. she's just so nice, so i trusted that she would take care of it for me. she even stamped fragile three times on the box.) i had to get a bigger box at the post office, so i didn't have it addressed yet...and then i sealed the box before i remembered to put your address on it! so i had to open the box again to get your address.

it says 2-day on my confirmation i'm guessing that's thursday?! you can track it if you wish: 0305 2710 0003 4229 5856. and if the tracking device says it's somewhere in the pacific ocean, than i gave you the wrong number (i'm also mailing something cute to my nephew in hawaii). the other number i have is 0305 2710 0003 4229 5849.

anyway, i think em is the winner for the month of february in terms of being the first to send out her journal! :)

2 Responses to “trapped in a box.”

  1. # Blogger Chellebers

    I haven't even gotten my January one yet!  

  2. # Blogger Chellebers

    This comment has been removed by the author.  

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