kirs suggested the name. i couldn't think of anything better (though i took out an 'l' and added 'the'). plus, i sort of like the whole run-on thing. maybe it's because i'm delirious. <--a bit sick. and now suffering from oversleep. because that's what i did all day. hahaha. check your inboxes/mailboxes soon...i'll be sending you stuff regarding the whole circle journal project. pretty excited about it all. and i hope you all are too! i think we're going to be mailing out the journals at the end of this by the first week of january 2007, we should have a new journal arriving in the mail. so please keep that in mind amidst all the holiday hullabaloo (hey, that's like frannybaloo!). okie doks. happy babysitting...err, traveling...i mean, journaling!
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